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Fixes and Cleanup

Today we have a laundry list of fixes and tweaks being published. Please review the following list for details, and enjoy.

  • Fix issue when adding new custom schematic via lua file upload causing error.
  • Display inventory units qty when available on schematic and find resources compare screens.
  • Fix issue with component schematic display listing custom schematics for other galaxies as schematics it can be used in.
  • Fix session and cookie management so your login is remembered for longer (6 months).
  • Add galaxy name to alerts so it is more clear what galaxy an alert is for if you play on multiple servers.
  • Fix display of in-game info on profile so multi line shows up right.
  • Added galaxy name to history list display on resource page to make it more obvious what resource galaxy is in.
  • Added ability to filter your recipe list by profession.


Categories: fixes
Date: 2020-05-26 18:06:12, 4 years and 149 days ago

Survey Droid Feature and Admin Tools

The main new feature coming to you today is the Interplanetary Survey Droid interface. You can now upload your saved survey droid mails to Galaxy Harvester and automatically update resources for that planet. Also, if you play on a server like Rogue One where the Survey Droid report has been enhanced to include stats, Galaxy Harvester will pick up the resource stats as well! The primary page to use this interface is on the Survey List page. If you upload a report there, all resources in the report will be either added or verified, and any resources of the class that are not in the report will be removed from the planet. There is also a tool on the Add Resources page. If you load a survey droid report there, all spawns listed in the report will be loaded onto the page for you to review and submit. No removal is done.

There are also a few other updates of note. To make it simpler for server admins to request their server be added to galaxy harvester and manage it thereafter, a new Galaxy Admin page is added. New server admins launching public servers can go to the Galaxy Admin page to submit them now.

Also for players on NGE based servers, the schematics tools have been adjusted so that Pre-CU Professions and schematics are no longer listed.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2018-01-28 21:28:19, 6 years and 268 days ago

Quality Based Alerts

Hi harvesters, the main feature coming to you today is a new way to set up your resource spawn alerts. You will now find a new separate table on the My Alerts page where you can define alert filters a little differently. Instead of specifying minimum stat values, you specify some combination of percentage weights for stats and a minimum quality value. Galaxy Harvester will check new spawns of that resource type/group to see if the calculation of their quality score meets your specified min based on the stat weights you specified and alert you if the quality score is at least the minimum.

Also, remember, you can use the Find Tool in compare mode to get an idea of quality scores of your current resources to help with figuring out what min quality scores to set for your alerts.

As usual, there's a few other minor fixes, etc. also, here they are:

  • Fixed favorite schematics on alerts page not filtering by selected galaxy.
  • Add ability to click on a waypoint row to copy in-game create waypoint command to clipboard.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2017-11-26 13:24:14, 6 years and 331 days ago

Guest Feature: Creature Harvesting

Earlier this year, the source code for Galaxy Harvester was opened up for collaboration on GitHub. I am happy bring you the first feature provided by a guest developer through collaboration on GitHub today. GitHub user, cbortz provided a new feature called creature harvesting, as well as a few display fixes.

The creature harvesting feature is tool that allows you to look at the creature data on galaxy harvester from a higher level. Feel free to take a look, maybe it will prove helpful to some of you other scouts out there.


Categories: features, fixes, guest
Date: 2017-07-17 12:12:55, 7 years and 98 days ago

Custom Schematics and Creatures

The variety of SWG play servers and custom content on them continually expands. Some servers add new professions and/or new schematics, and some servers are running NGE professions which have some new schematics that were part of NGE. Until now, there was really no way to take advantage of the schematic based tools on Galaxy Harvester for these custom schematics. With today's update comes the ability to create custom schematics that show up in Galaxy Harvester just for a particular server/galaxy. Assuming the schematic is entered correctly, it will then be available to all users viewing that galaxy on Galaxy Harvester to base recipes on, and get server best alerts on. For more information on this feature, visit the help page section on it.

If any servers have custom schematics related to the existing base SWG professions, those can be added with no custom setup. However if a server has custom professions, or NGE professions, we need to do some setup in the background to make those profession selections available for adding schematics to for that server. I encourage server admins to send us a note at the contact address link at the bottom of the page with any custom professions that need to be added here. There are two servers where we have already gotten requests for this feature on though, and they have already had their professions added on Galaxy Harvester:

  • Rogue One Server: Custom professions (Antique Dealer, Elite Arsenalist, Elite Blacksmith, Mechanic, Miner, Jedi Knight/Journeyman)
  • SWG Legends Server: NGE Trader professions

We have another update as well related to custom play server content. You can now add custom creature data to the resource type pages of creature resources. You can also enter base harvest yield and mission level of the creature to help other players decide what creatures to hunt. Just browse to the resource type page of the resource type that the creature drops and click the Add Creature button.

Keep in mind that in order to help ensure knowledgeable players are entering this data, you must have unlocked the ability to use the custom schematic and custom creature data entry features. So, if you are logged into Galaxy Harvester and don't see the Add Schematic or Add Creature buttons yet, I encourage you to keep contributing to the site by posting resource data to build your reputation until you unlock these abilities.

Other release notes:

  • Added list of unlocked abilities to user profile page.
  • Added notifications for users when new abilities are unlocked.
  • Fix bug in resource find list "Next 20" button not returning more results.
    • -ioscode

Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2017-03-04 17:11:17, 7 years and 233 days ago

Available Planets

The number of SWGEmu based servers continues to expand, and many of those projects continue to add exciting new content to expand on the game we love - even new planets.

You may have noticed references to these new planets on Galaxy Harvester even if the server you play on does not have them. That is because Galaxy Harvester was never designed to represent different galaxies having different available planets. When we went to add the latest planet addition, it seemed a good time to do something about that, as the additions could end up being quite a clutter of unnecessary information for some people. So in addition to adding the planet Mandalore as an available selection today, we have also made the following changes.

  • When adding resources, the available planets to pick from will be based on your currently selected Galaxy.
  • When viewing resource lists, the planet bar will only include planets that are valid for that resources galaxy.
  • On the Waypoint Maps and Survey Tool screens, only planets related to your selected galaxy will be shown.

As always, if you are running an SWGEmu server listed on Galaxy Harvester and have new planets added to your server, email us at the contact address to get those planets associated to your galaxy on the site so players can select them.


Categories: news, fixes
Date: 2016-08-01 17:33:32, 8 years and 83 days ago

Favorites Enhancements

A few updates are being released today, mainly related to the favorites/my resources tool. These are the three main enhancements there you can enjoy now:

  • My Resources list sortable by clicking on a column header
  • Export button for saving your resources list as a .csv file
  • View list of your favorite resource types, with links to those types. (Being able to favorite a resource type is new as well. To favorite a resource type, just click the star next to the name on that resource type's page.)

There's also some other minor release notes:

  • Fix for occasional login issues related to small differences in the way a user name is typed.
  • Fix for some instances where a user could not access their own recipes.
  • Display recent spawns above top spawns on resource type page.
  • Added a back to recipe home page to the individual recipe detail screen.
  • Added a link from favorites/my resources to the recipe home page.
  • Associate new recipes to selected galaxy so a user can maintain separate recipes between different galaxies.

Happy harvesting!


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2016-05-16 21:41:28, 8 years and 160 days ago

Feedback and Bloodfin

Ok, so today we have a return of the Suggestions and Feedback page. Almost. At this point you can view and vote on feedback, but the ability to add new items and comment on existing ones is still in the works.

Also, as players on the Bloodfin server are aware, the new planets available there Hoth, and Dromund Kaas have not quite had full functionality here on Galaxy Harvester due to missing resource types and other details. As of now, almost all of those types are available and all site functionality for those planets should be available. There are a few resource types I think that might still not be in the list, but they will be getting added soon.

Happy surveying,


Categories: news, fixes
Date: 2015-06-13 17:25:33, 9 years and 133 days ago

Despawn Alerts

Now available is a new kind of resource alert. If you are currently harvesting a resource, and want to be notified if that resource becomes unavailable on Galaxy Harvester, you can set that up. There are two places you can turn on the alert. You can go to your alerts page and add it there in the new despawn alerts box, or if you already have the resource added to your inventory, you can just update the despawn alert option in that resources row in your inventory.

As with the other alerts, you have the option of getting the alert via email, or on the home page of the website. When you add a despawn alert, it will default to email notification. If you want to change it to website, or turn it off, just click the envelope icon for the appropriate row.

A few minor things also going in today:

  • Added display for Resource, Mapping, and Reputation scores to profile pages.
  • Improved some of the tracking in resource event logging when resources are marked re-available or re-verified.
  • Fix top links to inventory an alerts when clicking from some pages like resource view and schematic.
  • Require positive reputation for editing or removing resources.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2013-10-20 19:33:22, 11 years and 4 days ago


At long last a new feature has been released. A new tool called My Alerts lets you pick a resource type or group and enter minimum stat values you are looking for. If a resource is added that has at least the minimum on all stats you specified, you will be notified, either by a list on the home page, an email, or both, depending on your selection. You will only be notified if all the minimums on a row you specify are met, so if you want to be notified if one stat OR a another stat of the same resource meets a minimum, you should make two separate alert rows for that. Go to the My Alerts page and set up your alerts now.

A couple smaller updates are also published today:

  • The xml and csv file links should no longer forget what galaxy you have selected and give you the link for the right galaxy.
  • Buttons to add a waypoint have been added to the home page and the individual resource pages.

    • -ioscode

Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2011-08-04 06:21:27, 13 years and 82 days ago