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Server Best Alerts Resumed

Some improved efficiency has been put in place and Server Best Alerts are now resumed, so you start getting those again now.

Sorry for the disruption, I hope you did not miss anything awesome.


Categories: news
Date: 2022-07-06 00:18:10, 2 years and 218 days ago

Server Best Alerts Paused

Please be advised that server best alerts have been temporarily paused. We are encountering a performance issue that is causing the system to be unable to keep up with them and falling perpetually behind. Once that is resolved, they will be enabled again. Another post will come out when that is done, but until then no alerts for server best resource spawns will go out. Normal spawn and despawn alerts that you sent are unaffected by this and will continue to work.

You may want to keep a closer eye on the resources spawning in your galaxy until this is resolved.


Categories: news
Date: 2022-06-25 09:03:57, 2 years and 229 days ago

Server Maintenance

There are two upcoming server maintenance windows where Galaxy Harvester will be unavailable for a short time. Our hosting provider is doing operating system upgrades on the servers that Galaxy Harvester runs un. The site will be unavailable for up to two hours sometime in both of these windows:

  • August 20th 6:00pm - 10:00pm PDT
  • August 21st 6:00pm - 10:00pm PDT


Categories: news, downtime
Date: 2019-08-18 12:52:17, 5 years and 176 days ago

Alerts Delays

Several of you have reported issues with alerts right now. You may be experiencing getting alerts for resources long after they have spawned or just not getting alerts at all. The service that checks for the alerts and sends out the emails seems to be a bit backed up right now. I'll be working to help get it caught up, but this will likely take a couple days and some alerts for resources that spawns over the last 5 days might not go out.

You may want to keep a closer eye on the resources spawning in your galaxy until I get the alerts system caught up.


Categories: news
Date: 2018-08-17 01:36:43, 6 years and 177 days ago

Source Code on GitHub

The entire source code including database seed for Galaxy Harvester is finally moved to a publicly available repository. Previously the source link on the page footers would link to a tarball of the sites web files, but now it links to this new GitHub repository where all Galaxy Harvester development activity will happen now. I hope this will serve these purposes:

  • Help people be able to set up their own private Galaxy Harvesters easier.
  • Disaster recovery incase the site needs to be recreated somewhere else for whatever reason.
  • Allow for an avenue for more contributors to site development in the future.
  • Provides a place to share documentation, users to report bugs, and activity to be shared/tracked.
    • -ioscode

Categories: news, contribute
Date: 2017-01-03 16:00:53, 8 years and 38 days ago

Headers, Cleanup, and Lothal

A few updates happened over the day, here is a summary:

The long ago originator of most of the graphics on Galaxy Harvester cooked up some new header images for the site. There are many more now, and even some seasonal ones. Thanks Apex!

In order to keep current resources somewhat cleaned up for servers using automatic resource uploading, Galaxy Harvester would previously automatically mark unavailable any resource that was available for over 30 days. To tighten this up even more, this cleanup will now happen according to the default maximum spawn durations typically set. 11 days for most Inorganics, and 22 days for Organics and JTL resources.

Rogue One server recently added a new planet, Lothal. Lothal is now added to Galaxy Harvester so resources can be reported there.


Categories: news
Date: 2016-12-28 23:44:15, 8 years and 44 days ago

Available Planets

The number of SWGEmu based servers continues to expand, and many of those projects continue to add exciting new content to expand on the game we love - even new planets.

You may have noticed references to these new planets on Galaxy Harvester even if the server you play on does not have them. That is because Galaxy Harvester was never designed to represent different galaxies having different available planets. When we went to add the latest planet addition, it seemed a good time to do something about that, as the additions could end up being quite a clutter of unnecessary information for some people. So in addition to adding the planet Mandalore as an available selection today, we have also made the following changes.

  • When adding resources, the available planets to pick from will be based on your currently selected Galaxy.
  • When viewing resource lists, the planet bar will only include planets that are valid for that resources galaxy.
  • On the Waypoint Maps and Survey Tool screens, only planets related to your selected galaxy will be shown.

As always, if you are running an SWGEmu server listed on Galaxy Harvester and have new planets added to your server, email us at the contact address to get those planets associated to your galaxy on the site so players can select them.


Categories: news, fixes
Date: 2016-08-01 17:33:32, 8 years and 193 days ago

Mobile Apps Are Here

As of today, you should be able to find the new Galaxy Harvester mobile app in stores!

It is being published on four platforms; Android, Apple (iOS), Windows Phone, and Amazon. For more information on this app, see the previous post, or the new mobile apps page.



Categories: news, mobile
Date: 2016-03-22 20:28:07, 8 years and 325 days ago

Coming Soon - Mobile Apps!

Things sure have been quiet around here for a while. That is not because Galaxy Harvester has been abandoned, far from it. For quite some time, having a Galaxy Harvester mobile app has been at the top of the suggestions list. For the past several months, the answer to that call has been in development. The Galaxy Harvester mobile app is now getting close to release!

Here are some details:

  • When Available? Sometime in March or early April 2016
  • What Platforms? Android, iOS, and Windows Phone
  • How Much Will It Cost? 0.99 USD
  • What Languages? English, French, German, Norwegian

You might also be wondering what it can do. Here is the feature list for the app as currently planned for the initial release.

  • Login/Logout
  • Select Galaxy
  • Register
  • Password Reset
  • Add/Edit Resources
  • Add/Edit Waypoints
  • Browse Recent Activity
  • Search Resources By Type,Group,Quality,Availability,Name,Favorites
  • Manage Spawn and Despawn Alert Filters
  • Get Alerts inside Mobile App
  • Browse News
  • OCR Partial Resource Add assist with camera

And, how about a little sneak peak too...


Categories: news, features, mobile
Date: 2016-02-28 17:51:25, 8 years and 348 days ago

Feedback and Bloodfin

Ok, so today we have a return of the Suggestions and Feedback page. Almost. At this point you can view and vote on feedback, but the ability to add new items and comment on existing ones is still in the works.

Also, as players on the Bloodfin server are aware, the new planets available there Hoth, and Dromund Kaas have not quite had full functionality here on Galaxy Harvester due to missing resource types and other details. As of now, almost all of those types are available and all site functionality for those planets should be available. There are a few resource types I think that might still not be in the list, but they will be getting added soon.

Happy surveying,


Categories: news, fixes
Date: 2015-06-13 17:25:33, 9 years and 243 days ago