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Inventory Deduct

Added a small feature today on the recipe tool from suggestions page. This is to help you manage your inventory tracking easier if you like to keep track of your resource unit quantities on the favorites page. Now, after you use the factory run calculator tool on the recipe page, a button will show that you can click to automatically deduct the calculated resource amounts for the factory run from your inventory. It should give you a warning message if your inventory gets depleted of an item or you didn't have some item in your inventory.

Here are a couple small updates that happened as well

  • Enabled all reputation gated tools for galaxy admins. This means when a new galaxy is added the server admins can start adding custom schematics and other stuff right away.
  • Base Emu Schematic and Creature data imported from SWGEmu pub9 code


Categories: features
Date: 2019-04-21 09:25:38, 5 years and 185 days ago

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