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Quality Based Alerts

Hi harvesters, the main feature coming to you today is a new way to set up your resource spawn alerts. You will now find a new separate table on the My Alerts page where you can define alert filters a little differently. Instead of specifying minimum stat values, you specify some combination of percentage weights for stats and a minimum quality value. Galaxy Harvester will check new spawns of that resource type/group to see if the calculation of their quality score meets your specified min based on the stat weights you specified and alert you if the quality score is at least the minimum.

Also, remember, you can use the Find Tool in compare mode to get an idea of quality scores of your current resources to help with figuring out what min quality scores to set for your alerts.

As usual, there's a few other minor fixes, etc. also, here they are:

  • Fixed favorite schematics on alerts page not filtering by selected galaxy.
  • Add ability to click on a waypoint row to copy in-game create waypoint command to clipboard.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2017-11-26 13:24:14, 6 years and 331 days ago

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