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Mobile Apps Are Here

As of today, you should be able to find the new Galaxy Harvester mobile app in stores!

It is being published on four platforms; Android, Apple (iOS), Windows Phone, and Amazon. For more information on this app, see the previous post, or the new mobile apps page.



Categories: news, mobile
Date: 2016-03-22 20:28:07, 8 years and 215 days ago

Coming Soon - Mobile Apps!

Things sure have been quiet around here for a while. That is not because Galaxy Harvester has been abandoned, far from it. For quite some time, having a Galaxy Harvester mobile app has been at the top of the suggestions list. For the past several months, the answer to that call has been in development. The Galaxy Harvester mobile app is now getting close to release!

Here are some details:

  • When Available? Sometime in March or early April 2016
  • What Platforms? Android, iOS, and Windows Phone
  • How Much Will It Cost? 0.99 USD
  • What Languages? English, French, German, Norwegian

You might also be wondering what it can do. Here is the feature list for the app as currently planned for the initial release.

  • Login/Logout
  • Select Galaxy
  • Register
  • Password Reset
  • Add/Edit Resources
  • Add/Edit Waypoints
  • Browse Recent Activity
  • Search Resources By Type,Group,Quality,Availability,Name,Favorites
  • Manage Spawn and Despawn Alert Filters
  • Get Alerts inside Mobile App
  • Browse News
  • OCR Partial Resource Add assist with camera

And, how about a little sneak peak too...


Categories: news, features, mobile
Date: 2016-02-28 17:51:25, 8 years and 238 days ago