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Find by Unverified and More

Today we have a few features and tweaks coming to you contributed by MrKraken. Check them out, I'm sure many will appreciate them:

  • A new theme "Dark Mode" is available. Try it out by changing your theme on the profile page.
  • opengraph metadata added to resource pages. When you share a link to a specific resource page in some places like Discord, etc. Resource stats will display as a preview
  • You can now filter by "unverified" resources on the Find Page.
  • The suggestions page has improved display features including retained newlines and timestamped entries.

Thanks again for your contributions MrKraken!


Categories: features
Date: 2021-08-18 14:31:43, 3 years and 65 days ago

A New Flow for Resource Favorite Groups

As time passed and features were added to the inventory aspect of Galaxy Harvester, it has taken on much more baggage than the simple concept of starring a resource as a favorite that it began as. In light of that, the concept of marking resources as favorites is evolving a bit today in a way that should relate more closely to the evolved set of features around resource inventory. This will not change the way inventory works so much as how resources flow in and out of it.

You will notice that resources no longer have an on/off star next to thier name. Instead, in the far right of the resource box is an indicator of what "bucket" the resource is currently in for you. You can click on whatever the current icon is to bring up a picker that lets you select that. In addition to these groups being represented on the inventory screen, they also interact with some new widgets on the top left of the home page. These new widgets highlight two of new fixed resource inventory groups, "Surveying" and "Harvesting".

The Surveying widget lists all the resources you have marked as such, and lists planet information and waypoint availability indicator. As you review alerts and identify resources you want to go out and survey for, you might add them to this group. They will be conveniently grouped with planet info handy until you are ready to go out and start tracking them down.

The Harvesting widget lists all the resources you have marked as such, and lists the type and age of the resource as well as a despawn alert management icon. If a resource in your harvesting list becomes unavailable, the harvester icon will also shift from green to red giving you visual queue that this resource you are harvesting has stopped spawning. Naturally, after that happens, you might move that resource to a custom inventory group, which can be done from the new picker as well.

There is also another built in group called Shopping you can move resources into. This is intended to allow you to favorite resources that you don't have and can't harvest, but want to try to acquire from others. Since you don't have them yet, resources in this group and the Surveying group will not show up as available to you when doing quality comparisons on the schematics and finder pages. You can continue to use inventory as before by just clicking resources straight to inventory if you don't want to use these new pre-defined groups.

As usual, there's a few other minor fixes, etc. also, here they are:

  • Added remove checked button to inventory page for bulk removing from inventory.
  • Add ability to edit/remove base schematics for a specific galaxy incase it is customized there.


Categories: features
Date: 2021-02-06 17:53:59, 3 years and 258 days ago

Guest Feature: Copy Stats

Today we release the second guest feature submitted to the Galaxy Harvester open source code base. . GitHub user, MrKraken provided a new feature which allows you to copy a resources stats to your clipboard by clicking anywhere its stats are displayed.

An update was also made to the survey droid report submit button to call out what galaxy you are about to submit for to hopefully cut down on some accidental wrong galaxy submissions.

Thanks MrKraken!


Categories: features, guest
Date: 2019-10-29 19:26:25, 4 years and 359 days ago

Shared Inventory

Today you will find a new setting in your profile in the "Other Info" section. You can select to make your inventory list public or shared with people on your friends list. The link you can use to share it with others should be displayed on your profile page, or you can just copy it from the URL in your browser when on your inventory page because they are one and the same.

In the minor updates category there are a couple things. For one, more of the site should be usable if you have cookies disabled now, and there is a "Clear" button added to the site alerts list on the homepage now so you can dismiss them all easier.


Categories: features
Date: 2019-07-14 21:54:16, 5 years and 101 days ago

Inventory Deduct

Added a small feature today on the recipe tool from suggestions page. This is to help you manage your inventory tracking easier if you like to keep track of your resource unit quantities on the favorites page. Now, after you use the factory run calculator tool on the recipe page, a button will show that you can click to automatically deduct the calculated resource amounts for the factory run from your inventory. It should give you a warning message if your inventory gets depleted of an item or you didn't have some item in your inventory.

Here are a couple small updates that happened as well

  • Enabled all reputation gated tools for galaxy admins. This means when a new galaxy is added the server admins can start adding custom schematics and other stuff right away.
  • Base Emu Schematic and Creature data imported from SWGEmu pub9 code


Categories: features
Date: 2019-04-21 09:25:38, 5 years and 185 days ago

Survey Droid Feature and Admin Tools

The main new feature coming to you today is the Interplanetary Survey Droid interface. You can now upload your saved survey droid mails to Galaxy Harvester and automatically update resources for that planet. Also, if you play on a server like Rogue One where the Survey Droid report has been enhanced to include stats, Galaxy Harvester will pick up the resource stats as well! The primary page to use this interface is on the Survey List page. If you upload a report there, all resources in the report will be either added or verified, and any resources of the class that are not in the report will be removed from the planet. There is also a tool on the Add Resources page. If you load a survey droid report there, all spawns listed in the report will be loaded onto the page for you to review and submit. No removal is done.

There are also a few other updates of note. To make it simpler for server admins to request their server be added to galaxy harvester and manage it thereafter, a new Galaxy Admin page is added. New server admins launching public servers can go to the Galaxy Admin page to submit them now.

Also for players on NGE based servers, the schematics tools have been adjusted so that Pre-CU Professions and schematics are no longer listed.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2018-01-28 21:28:19, 6 years and 268 days ago

Quality Based Alerts

Hi harvesters, the main feature coming to you today is a new way to set up your resource spawn alerts. You will now find a new separate table on the My Alerts page where you can define alert filters a little differently. Instead of specifying minimum stat values, you specify some combination of percentage weights for stats and a minimum quality value. Galaxy Harvester will check new spawns of that resource type/group to see if the calculation of their quality score meets your specified min based on the stat weights you specified and alert you if the quality score is at least the minimum.

Also, remember, you can use the Find Tool in compare mode to get an idea of quality scores of your current resources to help with figuring out what min quality scores to set for your alerts.

As usual, there's a few other minor fixes, etc. also, here they are:

  • Fixed favorite schematics on alerts page not filtering by selected galaxy.
  • Add ability to click on a waypoint row to copy in-game create waypoint command to clipboard.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2017-11-26 13:24:14, 6 years and 331 days ago

Resource Best Use and Alert Filter Groups

Decided to pick off the top two items on the Suggestions page today. Here are the features involved:

The first feature is all about checking what a resource might currently be good for. The way this has been implemented is a button on each individual resource page labeled "Check Current Best Uses". When you click this button Galaxy Harvester will go out and essentially redo the lookups for server best resource, then replace the currently displayed list of server best events that triggered when the resource spawned with a new list showing what schematics it currently scores well on. The criteria is a little more lax when running this operation compared with the initial spawn server best checks, to show more possibilities.

Second up is a new field on the My Alert Filters screen where you can now add a group name or note to each filter. You might use this area to group together similar filters by profession or some other general grouping (the rows will sort by it), or just a general note to help remind you what you set the alert for.


Categories: features
Date: 2017-09-09 18:03:55, 7 years and 44 days ago

Guest Feature: Creature Harvesting

Earlier this year, the source code for Galaxy Harvester was opened up for collaboration on GitHub. I am happy bring you the first feature provided by a guest developer through collaboration on GitHub today. GitHub user, cbortz provided a new feature called creature harvesting, as well as a few display fixes.

The creature harvesting feature is tool that allows you to look at the creature data on galaxy harvester from a higher level. Feel free to take a look, maybe it will prove helpful to some of you other scouts out there.


Categories: features, fixes, guest
Date: 2017-07-17 12:12:55, 7 years and 98 days ago

Custom Schematics and Creatures

The variety of SWG play servers and custom content on them continually expands. Some servers add new professions and/or new schematics, and some servers are running NGE professions which have some new schematics that were part of NGE. Until now, there was really no way to take advantage of the schematic based tools on Galaxy Harvester for these custom schematics. With today's update comes the ability to create custom schematics that show up in Galaxy Harvester just for a particular server/galaxy. Assuming the schematic is entered correctly, it will then be available to all users viewing that galaxy on Galaxy Harvester to base recipes on, and get server best alerts on. For more information on this feature, visit the help page section on it.

If any servers have custom schematics related to the existing base SWG professions, those can be added with no custom setup. However if a server has custom professions, or NGE professions, we need to do some setup in the background to make those profession selections available for adding schematics to for that server. I encourage server admins to send us a note at the contact address link at the bottom of the page with any custom professions that need to be added here. There are two servers where we have already gotten requests for this feature on though, and they have already had their professions added on Galaxy Harvester:

  • Rogue One Server: Custom professions (Antique Dealer, Elite Arsenalist, Elite Blacksmith, Mechanic, Miner, Jedi Knight/Journeyman)
  • SWG Legends Server: NGE Trader professions

We have another update as well related to custom play server content. You can now add custom creature data to the resource type pages of creature resources. You can also enter base harvest yield and mission level of the creature to help other players decide what creatures to hunt. Just browse to the resource type page of the resource type that the creature drops and click the Add Creature button.

Keep in mind that in order to help ensure knowledgeable players are entering this data, you must have unlocked the ability to use the custom schematic and custom creature data entry features. So, if you are logged into Galaxy Harvester and don't see the Add Schematic or Add Creature buttons yet, I encourage you to keep contributing to the site by posting resource data to build your reputation until you unlock these abilities.

Other release notes:

  • Added list of unlocked abilities to user profile page.
  • Added notifications for users when new abilities are unlocked.
  • Fix bug in resource find list "Next 20" button not returning more results.
    • -ioscode

Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2017-03-04 17:11:17, 7 years and 233 days ago