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Survey Droid Feature and Admin Tools

The main new feature coming to you today is the Interplanetary Survey Droid interface. You can now upload your saved survey droid mails to Galaxy Harvester and automatically update resources for that planet. Also, if you play on a server like Rogue One where the Survey Droid report has been enhanced to include stats, Galaxy Harvester will pick up the resource stats as well! The primary page to use this interface is on the Survey List page. If you upload a report there, all resources in the report will be either added or verified, and any resources of the class that are not in the report will be removed from the planet. There is also a tool on the Add Resources page. If you load a survey droid report there, all spawns listed in the report will be loaded onto the page for you to review and submit. No removal is done.

There are also a few other updates of note. To make it simpler for server admins to request their server be added to galaxy harvester and manage it thereafter, a new Galaxy Admin page is added. New server admins launching public servers can go to the Galaxy Admin page to submit them now.

Also for players on NGE based servers, the schematics tools have been adjusted so that Pre-CU Professions and schematics are no longer listed.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2018-01-28 21:28:19, 6 years and 268 days ago

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