Those of you who are familiar with the awesomeness of RSS will be extra pleased with todays update. Head on over to the feeds page, and you will find a new way to keep up to date on the resource data flowing into Galaxy Harvester. If you're not already familiar with subscribing to RSS feeds, this may be your opportunity to discover something new that you may use in many ways. So do a little research and try it out. You might like it.
Besides the feeds, there's a few smaller goodies coming your way as well. Apex got a couple new themes whipped up for you, so now you can style your experience with Destroyer or Rebel Flight Suits. Here's a list of some other minor tweaks of note in this update.
- Fixed cookie so your theme sticks around when you're not logged in.
- Made resource edit form populate with existing stats on edit action.
- UI changes to Planet availability bar.
- Added prompt to remove old resource if it exists when adding a new creature or flora resource.
- Added link in resource list to verify a resource. Uses selected planet in search criteria.
Date: 2010-04-24 06:21:30, 14 years and 294 days ago
While new tools for keeping track of all those hot resources are great, today we bring you an aesthetic update. Besides, the Doctors know what's hot right now, and Armorsmiths are digging a new trench big enough to trap a Kimogilla while harvesting this stuff.
So head over to your profile, which you can get to after logging in at the top right corner of the page and personalize your Galaxy Harvester experience a bit. You can now upload an Avatar image for yourself there, as well as choose from a few different color themes. Hopefully you find one you like, but if you don't, rest assured we have more themes on the way. For now there are three new options: FS Jedi, Imperial, and Rebel. A big thanks to Apex for giving me a hand with the theme setup.
More cool features on the way! Till next time, may the resources be with you.
Date: 2010-04-19 06:21:24, 14 years and 299 days ago
Couple new features available today on the Available Resources page. You can now find some view options at the top of the resource list. You can now select to view the list by time, which sorts it by either the resource entered, verified, or unavailable date. I'm thinking the most common use for this might be sorting by entered time to see the latest resources entered since the last time you checked the site. Sometimes when a shift happens and lots of resources get entered, the short list on the homepage might not include everything that's been put in since your last visit.
Another smaller feature you may notice is that resource names on the available resources page are now links. If you click them, it takes you to another page with information for just that resource including its complete history of events. These pages will be expanded on in the future. Because of the way you link to that page, it could also be a useful way to check if a resource exists or not. If you type in your browser address bar for example, you get a little message that says that resource doesn't exist. Replace "imanewres" with any resource name you want to check and if it exists it will go to its page, if not you get that message.
Date: 2010-04-05 06:21:26, 14 years and 313 days ago
Stop by the help page if you need help resetting your password or with any of the site features. It has been expanded to explain all the current features of the site and will be updated as things evolve.
Date: 2010-04-03 06:21:24, 14 years and 315 days ago
Well, it took some work but we're all set up here on All existing user accounts and resource data was successfully migrated here. In the process I've also added this blog to the site as a way to let everyone know what's going on with the site as far as new features, notices, etc. Also, the planet selection drop downs have been changed to default to no selection instead of Corellia, to prevent accidental mass posting of resources to Corellia by accident! Thanks to Brane Ded for the suggestion on that one.
I have a lot of ideas for this tool, what you see now is just the beginning. Hopefully over the coming months I can turn some of those ideas, as well as suggestions from all of you into a reality. For now at least, we have an easy to use, information rich tool for keeping track of the stuff spawning on Test Center Nova.
As cRush stated here on the SWG Emu Forums, some web based tools are planned which should include a resource management tool. No doubt they will come up with something really cool, and I'm excited to see what other kinds of tools are included as well. Until it comes out, I hope everyone finds Galaxy Harvester useful. Most likely my next order of business will be adding to the help page to provide information on how to best use the site's current features. Here's a short list of some other long term ideas I'm to incorporate into Galaxy Harvester:
- RSS feeds you can subscribe to that keep you updated on the latest resource activity
- Different views for grouping and sorting on the Available Resources page.
- Comprehensive crafting schematic information highly integrated with resource data giving you the ability to search for the best current or server all time best resources for a particular schematic.
- (Maybe, I'm not sure if this one can work yet.) Maps of each planet with the ability to add resource spawn waypoint markers that can be sold to other members for credits (via exchange of a code that allows the waypoint to be unlocked), creating a market for the Resource Scouts of the galaxy.
- More stats and features that highlight the sites top contributors.
Thanks for being a part of Galaxy Harvester!
Date: 2010-04-01 06:21:28, 14 years and 317 days ago