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Still Alive

Hey, it's been some time since you've seen news, so I wanted to give you all a quick update on current Galaxy Harvester activity. For the most part, I've been working on a new feature where you will be able to mark resources as favorites to keep track of and group specific resources on a personalized page. I would say it is about 50% done at this point, so that should be coming out within a month or two.

You may or may not have noticed recently some performance improvements on various parts of the site. Over the last couple of weeks improvements to the efficiency of a large number of database queries have gone in. As new features have gone in over time, things have gotten more complex, so a review and tuning was long overdue. Finally, today I have refreshed the schematic data from the current SWGEmu code base which adds almost 300 schematics, bringing the total up to 1660 now. And yes, I remembered to swap the OQ/PE weights on the chemical schematics this time! ;-)



Categories: news
Date: 2012-03-17 15:51:21, 12 years and 221 days ago

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