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End Of Liberator!

Well, it's finally over. Liberator is wiped and we're back on the road of progress. I'm sure you've all noticed that the new Basilisk galaxy is listed and resource info is starting to come in. Though, I don't expect a fervent effort to keep everything tracked until after we move out of Pre-Alpha stage. Regardless of the impending wipes during Pre-Alpha, I hope Galaxy Harvester will be a useful tool to share bits and peices of what's out there, even if the spawns don't stay for long.

Before we let Liberator sink all the way into the Dune Sea, I wanted to recognize some of the most awesome resource surveyors who served during the time of Liberator. First, I will mention Eber. Though we have not seen much of Eber lately, he holds the record for most resources added on Liberator at 1,153. I remember his name filling the top current harvesters stats for quite some time last year. More recently, kbarton10 and jsteuck have been keeping us all in the know with constant resource information. Kbarton10 almost caught up to the insane record Eber set even, and jsteuck has been a consitent contributer in both the resource and waypoint categories. If I listed everyone, this post would be a huge block of usernames, but take a second to check out the stats page with the Liberator galaxy selected to see who's been making Galaxy Harvester worth using.

Myself and many other players appreciate the efforts of those who take the time to keep Galaxy Harvester updated. With Basilisk coming online, it looks like we have some new members getting in the mix adding resources too, and that is great. The more of us pitching in, the easier the job is for everyone. There is a certain enjoyment to be gained from cataloguing all the stuff out there too, I think. Thanks again all of you who update resource data on Galaxy Harvester, and donate cash to cover the hosting fees.

See you on Basilisk!


Categories: members, galaxies, news
Date: 2012-05-15 09:39:51, 12 years and 162 days ago

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