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Favorites Enhancements

A few updates are being released today, mainly related to the favorites/my resources tool. These are the three main enhancements there you can enjoy now:

  • My Resources list sortable by clicking on a column header
  • Export button for saving your resources list as a .csv file
  • View list of your favorite resource types, with links to those types. (Being able to favorite a resource type is new as well. To favorite a resource type, just click the star next to the name on that resource type's page.)

There's also some other minor release notes:

  • Fix for occasional login issues related to small differences in the way a user name is typed.
  • Fix for some instances where a user could not access their own recipes.
  • Display recent spawns above top spawns on resource type page.
  • Added a back to recipe home page to the individual recipe detail screen.
  • Added a link from favorites/my resources to the recipe home page.
  • Associate new recipes to selected galaxy so a user can maintain separate recipes between different galaxies.

Happy harvesting!


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2016-05-16 21:41:28, 8 years and 73 days ago

Mobile Apps Are Here

As of today, you should be able to find the new Galaxy Harvester mobile app in stores!

It is being published on four platforms; Android, Apple (iOS), Windows Phone, and Amazon. For more information on this app, see the previous post, or the new mobile apps page.



Categories: news, mobile
Date: 2016-03-22 20:28:07, 8 years and 128 days ago

Coming Soon - Mobile Apps!

Things sure have been quiet around here for a while. That is not because Galaxy Harvester has been abandoned, far from it. For quite some time, having a Galaxy Harvester mobile app has been at the top of the suggestions list. For the past several months, the answer to that call has been in development. The Galaxy Harvester mobile app is now getting close to release!

Here are some details:

  • When Available? Sometime in March or early April 2016
  • What Platforms? Android, iOS, and Windows Phone
  • How Much Will It Cost? 0.99 USD
  • What Languages? English, French, German, Norwegian

You might also be wondering what it can do. Here is the feature list for the app as currently planned for the initial release.

  • Login/Logout
  • Select Galaxy
  • Register
  • Password Reset
  • Add/Edit Resources
  • Add/Edit Waypoints
  • Browse Recent Activity
  • Search Resources By Type,Group,Quality,Availability,Name,Favorites
  • Manage Spawn and Despawn Alert Filters
  • Get Alerts inside Mobile App
  • Browse News
  • OCR Partial Resource Add assist with camera

And, how about a little sneak peak too...


Categories: news, features, mobile
Date: 2016-02-28 17:51:25, 8 years and 151 days ago

More Feedback Features and Export Planets

You should now be able to add new suggestions and comment on existing ones on the feedback page. You must be logged in to do so.

Getting the addition of planet information to the exports file recently rose to the top of the popular suggestions. As of the next export, planet information will be included in the xml and csv export files.

Happy integrating,


Categories: features, integration
Date: 2015-06-28 10:32:27, 9 years and 31 days ago

Feedback and Bloodfin

Ok, so today we have a return of the Suggestions and Feedback page. Almost. At this point you can view and vote on feedback, but the ability to add new items and comment on existing ones is still in the works.

Also, as players on the Bloodfin server are aware, the new planets available there Hoth, and Dromund Kaas have not quite had full functionality here on Galaxy Harvester due to missing resource types and other details. As of now, almost all of those types are available and all site functionality for those planets should be available. There are a few resource types I think that might still not be in the list, but they will be getting added soon.

Happy surveying,


Categories: news, fixes
Date: 2015-06-13 17:25:33, 9 years and 46 days ago

Feedback Migration

Just a heads up, the feedback page where you enter and vote on site suggestions is going to be unavailable for a little bit. The Google Moderator service we have been using for it is shutting down soon. Suggestions and voting will be closed while the existing data is moved. I'll post an update when this process is complete and the page is available again.


Categories: news
Date: 2015-06-06 11:06:15, 9 years and 53 days ago

Despawn Alerts

Now available is a new kind of resource alert. If you are currently harvesting a resource, and want to be notified if that resource becomes unavailable on Galaxy Harvester, you can set that up. There are two places you can turn on the alert. You can go to your alerts page and add it there in the new despawn alerts box, or if you already have the resource added to your inventory, you can just update the despawn alert option in that resources row in your inventory.

As with the other alerts, you have the option of getting the alert via email, or on the home page of the website. When you add a despawn alert, it will default to email notification. If you want to change it to website, or turn it off, just click the envelope icon for the appropriate row.

A few minor things also going in today:

  • Added display for Resource, Mapping, and Reputation scores to profile pages.
  • Improved some of the tracking in resource event logging when resources are marked re-available or re-verified.
  • Fix top links to inventory an alerts when clicking from some pages like resource view and schematic.
  • Require positive reputation for editing or removing resources.


Categories: features, fixes
Date: 2013-10-20 19:33:22, 10 years and 282 days ago

Resource Admin

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. That's why today we're adding the ability to fix an incorrectly entered resource name, and the ability to correct the galaxy a resource was entered for. These controls will appear on the page for each resource which you can get to by clicking on a resource name anywhere it shows up on the site. These controls will only show up if you are logged in and have a high enough reputation on the site.


Categories: features
Date: 2013-09-15 15:22:30, 10 years and 317 days ago

Factory Calculator

Just a quick note to let everyone know a factory run calculator has been added to the Recipe page. Get those factories running!


Categories: features
Date: 2013-05-24 11:38:06, 11 years and 66 days ago

Find and Compare

The schematics tool is pretty great. It can help you find the best resources available or that have ever been available for the different slots of the schematic. It even lets you customize which experimental properties to take into account. I think this method makes sense for some people, but to many it is not very intuitive. That is why at long last we have added a resource finder tool. This tool lets you more directly specify exactly the stat percentages you are looking for to sort the results, as well as some other useful criteria options.

Another feature coming out today that has been long desired is a way to compare resources to your inventory. This is something that people have found to be useful in some of the desktop programs used in the past. If you have some resources added to your inventory on Galaxy Harvester, you can try this out right away. It is available in a couple different locations. When viewing a schematic you can click the "Compare" checkboxes on the right at the top of the best resources groups to compare to your resources. Also, when using the new resource finder tool, you can click the "Compare" button instead of the "Search" button to have the results include comparison to your inventory.

To help with quality comparisons in general, you will also notice that resource boxes will display the calculated quality for the resource when listed in places where quality is being considered. Also some of the options on the home page top resources display have been tuned up to work a little better.


Categories: features
Date: 2013-03-03 14:20:34, 11 years and 148 days ago