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Galaxy: SWG Awakening

Planet Add953

Galaxy: Basilisk

Planet Add2


Revered Reaper
Joined 9 years, 147 days ago

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Recent Activity

GalaxyTimeSpawnResource TypeActionPlanet
SWG Awakening2016-03-02 05:23:55cubafeCrism Siliclastic OreCleanupTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-03-02 05:23:52cubafeCrism Siliclastic OreCleanupNaboo
SWG Awakening2016-03-02 05:23:50cubafeCrism Siliclastic OreCleanupLok
SWG Awakening2016-03-02 05:23:48cubafeCrism Siliclastic OreCleanupCorellia
SWG Awakening2016-02-28 13:08:14smooLommite Carbonate OrePlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 16:31:12grifuavaRori FiberplastPlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 16:31:11grifuavaRori FiberplastAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 16:22:47hevupaPlumbum IronPlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 16:22:46hevupaPlumbum IronAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 16:20:03ikoluroColat IronPlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 16:19:51ikoluroColat IronAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:26:18pioxiSedrellium Amorphous GemstonePlanet AddNaboo
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:23:46pumelyonaoBaradium Amorphous GemstonePlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:23:29pioxiSedrellium Amorphous GemstonePlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:23:22pioxiSedrellium Amorphous GemstonePlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:23:03aydeoClass 1 RadioactivePlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:19:47pumelyonaoBaradium Amorphous GemstonePlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:19:39pumelyonaoBaradium Amorphous GemstoneAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-26 15:12:31omnichyexeDitanium SteelPlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:42:22totwoPolysteel CopperPlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:40:24totwoPolysteel CopperPlanet AddNaboo
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:39:00totwoPolysteel CopperAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:06:31aydeoClass 1 RadioactivePlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:02:34laonecaClass 2 Solid Petro FuelPlanet AddNaboo
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:02:13laonecaClass 2 Solid Petro FuelAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:00:41iquewhaDiatium CopperPlanet AddNaboo
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 07:00:27aydeoClass 1 RadioactivePlanet AddNaboo
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 06:59:02iquewhaDiatium CopperPlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 06:57:36iquewhaDiatium CopperPlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-25 06:57:02iquewhaDiatium CopperAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-23 14:01:31omnivububiLubricating OilPlanet AddNaboo
SWG Awakening2016-02-23 13:49:48zyadaBronzium IronPlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2016-02-23 13:49:26zyadaBronzium IronAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 15:55:42binigucyKerol Fire-Gem Crystalline GemstonePlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 15:54:46ayjoziqueqClass 3 Solid Petro FuelPlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 15:54:36ayjoziqueqClass 3 Solid Petro FuelAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 15:51:03carbosnuIlimium Extrusive OrePlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 15:51:00carbosnuIlimium Extrusive OreAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 15:32:53binigucyKerol Fire-Gem Crystalline GemstonePlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 14:51:23capapPlumbum IronPlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 14:50:31capapPlumbum IronAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-22 14:48:55binigucyKerol Fire-Gem Crystalline GemstonePlanet AddLok

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