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Galaxy: SWG Awakening

Planet Add39

Galaxy: Basilisk

Planet Add1


Verified Harvester
Joined 9 years, 129 days ago

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Recent Activity

GalaxyTimeSpawnResource TypeActionPlanet
SWG Legends2018-09-16 12:57:20olovaoticMustafarian SteelWaypointMustafar
SWG Legends2018-06-19 16:54:39omnidokimaoineKatrium Intrusive OreWaypointLok
SWG Legends2018-06-08 11:58:37yedaTatooinian Vegetable TubersWaypointTatooine
SWG Legends2018-05-20 10:03:53aorlexMustafarian Reactive GasCleanupNone
SWG Legends2018-05-20 07:13:00aorlexMustafarian Reactive GasPlanet AddMustafar
SWG Legends2018-05-20 07:13:00aorlexMustafarian Reactive GasAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-02-17 16:45:04vuapuwhyuqPhrik AluminumPlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-02-04 12:41:37vuleishawinePolysteel CopperPlanet AddLok
SWG Awakening2016-01-26 19:52:19olujoDesh CopperPlanet AddDantooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-19 10:52:46triymenoeLink-Steel AluminumPlanet AddDantooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-18 09:45:54jequePolymerPlanet AddCorellia
SWG Awakening2016-01-18 09:45:15fejePlumbum IronPlanet AddCorellia
SWG Awakening2016-01-15 12:29:22yaspibQuadranium SteelPlanet AddCorellia
SWG Awakening2016-01-15 09:00:39boholraomDolovite IronPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-01-15 08:54:03trilryosedDolovite IronVerifiedCorellia
SWG Awakening2016-01-15 08:52:00durihaweAxidite IronVerifiedYavin 4
SWG Awakening2016-01-15 08:52:00lrooBronzium IronVerifiedYavin 4
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:11:22ehuvefistiumKiirium SteelPlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:10:39xigeqCarbonite SteelPlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:10:39quixiluChromium AluminumPlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:10:39rihozLink-Steel AluminumVerifiedTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:10:39ehuvefistiumKiirium SteelAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:10:38quacyuwriTitanium AluminumPlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:10:38dawaKelsh CopperVerifiedTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-12 13:10:38motuzodoDesh CopperPlanet AddTatooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-11 19:57:44wruixitaKerol Fire-Gem Crystalline GemstonePlanet AddTatooine
Bloodfin Wiped2015-12-17 10:01:58nisponoiNabooian Domesticated OatsPlanet AddNaboo
Bloodfin Wiped2015-12-17 09:58:14nisponoiNabooian Domesticated OatsAddNone
Bloodfin Wiped2015-12-17 09:51:20himegiteUnknown Inert GasPlanet AddNaboo
Bloodfin Wiped2015-12-17 09:49:27himegiteUnknown Inert GasAddNone
SWG Awakening2015-12-15 18:48:29nojoDolovite IronPlanet AddNaboo
SWG Awakening2015-12-15 18:48:20nojoDolovite IronAddNone
SWG Awakening2015-12-15 18:42:49kiocaxuhyDolovite IronPlanet AddRori
SWG Awakening2015-12-15 18:42:44kiocaxuhyDolovite IronAddNone

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