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Galaxy: SWG Awakening

Planet Add183


Joined 10 years, 117 days ago

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Recent Activity

GalaxyTimeSpawnResource TypeActionPlanet
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:31:42triyxuitruTalusian FiberplastPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:31:39triyxuitruTalusian FiberplastAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:29:03omniquecicLubricating OilPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:29:03peatyogPolymerPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:28:58oxajPolymerPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:28:58coxumuPolymerPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:28:58pukezajoLubricating OilPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:27:50dureveLubricating OilPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-06-15 01:27:30carbinoLubricating OilPlanet AddTalus
SWG Awakening2016-01-18 07:07:58ehonuricTalusian Water VaporCleanupTalus
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 05:27:23vejodoxufDuralloy SteelPlanet AddDantooine
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:27:14xavutrEndorian Berry FruitPlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:27:13xavutrEndorian Berry FruitAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:24:41warifaEndorian Vegetable FungusVerifiedEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:24:41oquaxyoruiEndorian Vegetable GreensVerifiedEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:24:40vimuimEndorian Vegetable BeansCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:24:40lyameEndorian Vegetable TubersCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:23:48weneArdanium Siliclastic OrePlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:23:48omnillyipiZinsiam Carbonate OrePlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:23:48ovetoquonZinsiam Carbonate OrePlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:23:48quadeedroChromite Carbonate OrePlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:22:21zomoClass 2 RadioactivePlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:31itamepeSormahil Fire Gem Crystalline GemstonePlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:31wruixitaKerol Fire-Gem Crystalline GemstonePlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:12cyaqueByrothsis Crystalline GemstoneCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:12quadayGreen Diamond Crystalline GemstoneCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:11dawaKelsh CopperCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:11raufineGreen Diamond Crystalline GemstoneCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:11emesUnknown Gem TypeCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:21:10hyiquizaPlexite Amorphous GemstoneCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:20:14gyesaypismConductive Borcarbitic CopperPlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:20:12gyesaypismConductive Borcarbitic CopperAddNone
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:19:01quacyuwriTitanium AluminumPlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:45nofiKammris IronPlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:45durihaweAxidite IronPlanet AddEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:42quadradrismAxidite IronVerifiedEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:41bufoDoonium IronCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:41uwrimoacColat IronCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:41eodaxahPolonium IronVerifiedEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:40awieAxidite IronCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:17:40broveBronzium IronCleanupEndor
SWG Awakening2016-01-14 00:16:33zisqDuranium SteelPlanet AddEndor

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